Everyday Science Experiments at the Playground


Everyday Science Experiments at the Playground

Hartzog, J. (2000). Everyday science experiments at the playground. New York: PowerKids Press.



This book contains nine quick, fun, and easy-to-conduct experiments simply using readily available playground equipment. Plus, it offers explanations that answer all sorts of questions that tie into a science curriculum. It helps promote the idea that science is not just in the classroom. It's right in the school playground, and students are participating in science everyday as they play. The book illustrates scientific principles, such as gravity, force, and acceleration, that enable playground equipment to function.

Teaching Idea:  Drama

I will begin this lesson by reading Everyday Science Experiments at the Playground to my students while we are standing in the middle of our school playground. Most students love to play at the play-ground, but they probably don't think about how almost everything there relies on the laws of science. While I read the book's various experiments, I will have students take turns carrying out the activities. I will pause prior to executing each experiment to ask questions of my students so they can predict what will happen.

Once we have completed all the experiments (they are all quite short), I will have my students partner up. They will need to think about other activities we do on a daily basis that include science. Then, they will use drama to act out their own science “moment”, just like we did with the book's activities but without the props. Each pair must state what part of science is taking place through their activity. We will conclude with a discussion on how these activities relate to our daily lives. This lesson will help my students realize they can experience science everywhere; it's just one of the reasons for us to study it.

Exploring Everyday Science Experiments at the Playground through drama offers an active, entertaining means to get students excited about science and start making the connection between science and their everyday lives. Drama promotes active learning among my students and also allows for a variety of learning styles. I will use this book during the 1st week of school. Not only will this activity increase my students' awareness of the science around them, but it will also help them build relationships within our classroom. Working with a partner gives my students an opportunity to practice the skills needed when collaborating with a peer.

This lesson corresponds to Science TEKS 5.2(A), (B), (D).


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